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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Grimjack

  1. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Frustration was probably a strong word....its more wanting to be perfect without practice....impatience I suppose. There is actually a whole chain of stores called Hollister.....Funny thing is it has nothing to do with the town I live in. The only claim to fame my town has is getting taken over in the late 40's by a bunch of bikers. They based the movie "The Wild One" with Marlon Brando off of it. We now have to suffer through a biker rally every summer. Sorry if anyone here is a biker and gets offended, but the whole thing is a pain for the residents.
  2. Hi all, Just thought I'd take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Kevin, living in the California Bay Area. I have just recently gotten interested in smithing and have taken a few classes with a CA blacksmith association instructor. I'm enjoying it alot, but also feeling a little lost. I realize it takes years to build skills, but I, like most of my generation, want to be good at things without practicing. I'm hoping being a member here will keep my motivation up and my frustration down. I'm interested in all aspects of smithing, but would eventually like to focus on weapon / armor making. Thanks for reading...
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