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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Wildernessmedic

  1. In "A birth of a sword" it explains thy machine fullering tears of a layer of hardened metal created by hammering, whereas proper fullering presses it down creating a grow rather than cutting it out.

    Is that not correct? Anyone seen that video?

    I'm not asking because I want to give up everything and become a sword maker haha I can't make anything! I was just curious. I've seen some beautiful pieces here and wanted to know if they are making a living off of such talent.

  2. Ehh is a machines sword really quality? When they use mechanical fullering doesn't it tear up the hardened outer later formed from hammering?

    Excluding the idiot magnet term of a $200 cheap hand forged sword. Do those guys actually move swords and make a good chunk of change that they deserve for crafting one? Can they stay afloat as such for their trade or is it pretty much just a side thing?

  3. Just curious are there quite a few quality swordsmiths around? Or are swordsmiths few and far between? I'd never seen quality swords, always cheap crap, up until looking around here and one or two other places. Now i'm getting into this for fun but just curious if there is still a market for hand crafted custom quality swords. The ones that do exist, is this their primary source of income/career? Or just a hobby they do and make a couple bucks to fund their hobby here and there?

  4. Oh yes, I can't wait to get my forge built and start working on stuff. Just can't afford to use that propane burner anymore. What I really look forward to is that first set of tongs.


    Do you happen to know if a simple brake drum forge with coal and a good blower will get me hot enough to forge weld most high carbon steel? Before I start throwing it together I want to make sure it can do everything I expect it to.

  5. Thanks everyone.


    No i'm not ski patrol.


    Next time i'm near Yosemite i'll let you know. I'll be doing the John Muir Trail again once the weather is better.


    Striper are going pretty good. Don't know if i'll beat last years 30 pounder. Not too hard to fish when you have a dock and live on the water.


    The class was awesome, but not what I expected. I thought i'd be a master by now haha. First class was 3 hours of nothing but trying to draw out and taper a small wedge. A lot of focus on perfect angles. Which is good, but I expected to crudely make a thing or two, not work on nothing but one angle perfect.

  6. Nah, I thought of heat treating it and testing it on a melon but it developed a small crack at the tang and decided it would be best as a wall piece that I can hopefully laugh at later.


    Of course the first threat I read is what do I need to get started. "Do not mention swords, grin." Hahaha oops...


    I'm guessing you guys get a lot of Youtube warriors like me wanting to make a pretty sword haha...

  7. Hey, i'll update it now, but i'm in the bay area/ Sacramento delta.


    I plan on doing this class, then in January joining, since if I joined now it would expire in a couple months anyway.


    The steel was "tool steel" I know that's not too specific, but I asked everyone at home depot and that was the only answer I got. One guy even said there's only one type of steel HAHA. Anyway, it was just a piece of cheap flatstock I bought there for practice.


    Nope, that scaly dude is one of my pair or Crotalus oreganus (Northern Pacific Rattlesnake)


    I'll be spending the next few hours browsing through the info on here.

  8. Hi. Looking to get good at this. I started almost a year ago with a forge made from firebrick and a Harbor Freight propane torch. Also used a cheap Harbor Freight anvil. Just messed around pounding on random steel. I made one sword and put it down until now. I'm taking a Calsmith intro class tonight, and still looking for a brake drum to make a decent forge that doesn't cost a fortune in propane. So far all i've had is Youtube and the internet to learn. Anxious to get some real hands on training and start making something decent. Here's the only thing I made. Obviously it's crap with all the hammer dings and areas I couldn't buff out, but it was my first try and a learning experience.





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