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I Forge Iron

Adrian Crunkhurn

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Everything posted by Adrian Crunkhurn

  1. This my new one, but I think I might have to make the space between the bars a bit smaller. I think the problem is partly this new fuel I'm using its small peas of coke so I think there falling in the gaps and previously the holes and blocking them up. It's 10mm bar with 5mm space in between them.
  2. well...they broke. one of the jaws snapped off last weekend. so now I get to make some more. :)
  3. Thanks for the replies, I have made the holes larger but still had trouble to get a good fire going so I'm going to try the bars tomorrow, that seems to be the most popular
  4. John B I see that now. I just fullered and twist them then just kinda winged it till I got a tong like shape. I will have another go sometime soon and get em better and even. I just wanted a working pair tongs so that I can hold metal because vice grips and pliers aren't really ideal, at least not in my experience.
  5. Hi every one, just wanted to share with you my first ever set of tongs I made, there rough and ugly as xxxx but I don't care cus they work and I made them from scratch. Oh and I used the Dempsey twist method just in case anyone was wondering or happens to care.
  6. Hello every one, I was wondering if some could help me with my problem. I was using the forge earlier and after about 5 or 10 minutes the holes on my fire pot were totally plugged up. Now I haven't had this problem before, well i have but not to this extent, so I'm thinking its this new fuel I'm using which I got yesterday. And if its not then what could be causing it and how can i avoid it in the future. Any help would be appreciated thanks. The 4 holes at the corners are 9mm and the smaller ones are 6 or 6.5 mm.
  7. Hello everyone, I was hoping someone out there can help me identify my anvil I recently bought. The only marks/writing on it that I can see are on one of the sides, and from what I can make out (after cleaning it up) it says 'wh attercliffe' with what looks like a number underneath, which I think is '18'. Now I've tried googling it and all I can say is I think it was made in Sheffield (in the UK) but I was hoping someone may be able to give me a date and how good, or poor of quality it is, any other info would greatly be appreciated as I am fascinated with finding out about it. I will post pics to help identify it. The first one has clearer writing and on the second one you see the number better, it's on the right side of the image under the writing. Thanks in advance for any replies.
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