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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by IronJeff

  1. Real wood charcoal. Some that I made some from the store. I will work on the airflow, and I think I can make a bigger area for the fuel. I have an old portable firepit to modify. More air, lower flow and deeper fire. I will work on both.
  2. My brake drum forge seems under powered. It struggles getting the steel hot enough. I'm not sure if the problem is not enough air, too small a Firepot, or that I'm using charcoal. Maybe is a combination of those. It took all afternoon to make a few nails, and it was hard to get 3/8ths square past cherry red. It is outside under a tree so sometimes when the sun is coming through the trees it is hard to tell. Here are some pictures so you know what I'm working with.
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