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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by zxc

  1. zxc


    Thanks Glenn, I've skimmed through the blueprints quickly (Thanks everyone who contributed to those) I'll take a look through the archives, Are they the same as going through the forum? only easier to navigate. Anyway, I have a lot of reading to do So I'll leave you all to it for now.
  2. Great work there. I bet that hefty looking bar took some persuading to scroll.
  3. zxc


    Thanks I'm still scanning over the site at the moment but will join in discussions and ask questions soon I should think. there's plenty to learn as you say. Take care Adam
  4. zxc


    Hi JAFO, Thanks for the welcome. Yeah, I'll still forge tools etc But feel I should make things for the museum to sell to pay for my coal and iron.
  5. zxc


    Hi I found this forum a couple of days ago looking for projects to inspire me, You all seem like a friendly bunch So thought I'd join. I live in the UK. I've just started blacksmithing for a local museum which is quite strange, with people coming to watch what your doing all the time (even when your boiling the kettle on the forge for a drink) I make tools and blades normally But need to start making some things more appealing to the visitors at the museum (Which I don't mind) I've never had my own anvil So I'm getting good quality time on one at the moment. Hope to speak with you all soon Adam
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