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I Forge Iron

Mark Parkinson

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Posts posted by Mark Parkinson

  1. First; spend months online going over just about every article and picture of power hammers. (note) Using translation programs for the non-english sites will just confuse you.... just look at the pretty pictures.

    Second; spend a couple of weeks designing and drawing with exact dimentions the hammer you have decided to build. (note) when you go to the metal supplier to purchase this list it gets torn up in horror, and you imediately drive to the scrap yard and load up approx 500# of assorted parts @ .10 a #

    Third; decide that cutting any of this metal will need more than a 14" chop saw or a 4.5" grinder with a thin cut blade...result-one 5" swivel head horizontal bandsaw (note) although tool accumilation is good ....it would have been cheaper to buy the metal from the first supplier

    Forth; say to ^*@% with it and start winging it

    ah to heck with the numbers

    some pics of the build so far... I have no idea what the axle came off but the domed flange area works well to bolt it down:)

    the spline end cut off will come in useful sometime I'm sure...I will update this post as I go, that way someone can hopefully learn from my mistakes.








  2. Ian, I traded some work with a local silversmith a couple of years ago... I made him some security bars for his store and he made up a bracelet for my wife the anvil was my tip :)

    I will call him this weekend and ask him the price for one and get back to you if you like



  3. On point of order ..ok you got me :oops: there are some handled flaters,swages, and punches in that collection altough I will argue that they could in a broad sence be counted as hammers :P I did not count the handled hot and cold cuts in the total.. I'll do a recount with out the "contested" hammers...

    defence rests :lol:

  4. I read this thread on the way out to do the anual rehandling and tightening of the collection the count with "new" ones add to the collection today was 167 + 9 heads yet to be handeled. Some collect anvils some tongs but all blacksmiths seem to collect something (except for the "learning" pile):lol: what do you collect?


    one half


    with todays additions

  5. Great site just spent an enjoyable afternoon exploring the site. I am from Kingston Canada by way of Doncaster England. I have been Blacksmithing for about 18-19 years now while holding down real paycheques from the mundane work a day world, I have my chefs papers, and worked as a chef for some years owning my own pub for a few years, after the burn out (24/7 x 365) I have worked mostly as a carpenter in the construction and renovation industry with time out to work for a hardware store for 3 years and time off to become a registered locksmith, I am now back to working in the construction industry and taking machinist corses at my local collage to get my millwrights papers. I have a web site that has not been updated in about 4 years but has some blacksmith related stuff on it.... maybe I'll get round to updating it soon I will have to add pics of a milling M/c and a screw cutting lathe I have just installed... looking forward to trying some of the tricks and tips I have read on the site

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