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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by jwihak

  1. Hi there, I'm new to the forum and have no experience whatsoever with blacksmithing at all (as will become evident). But I have a unique scenario I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'm doing Props on a film in which the characters are supposed to be cutting, welding and grinding road sign posts into makeshift spears, using both oxy-acetaline and an angle grinder. From what I gather, doing so with galvanized road signs is highly toxic. This being a movie, we want to be able to see the characters' faces so they won't be wearing masks. So I'm wondering if there is a fast and effective way to strip these galvanized posts of their coating so that the actors can safely cut, grind and weld without breathing in toxic fumes. I've heard it suggested that you can sandblast the galvanizing coating off and have tried this. It seems to be stripped, but I'm concerned that while it may rid the outside of the post of the coating there may be some that leeches into the metal and would still be there when you take the torch or grinder to it. Any suggestions or hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Jordy
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