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I Forge Iron


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  1. the acetylene tank would be cleaned out first.. it starts to blow at pretty low pressure and temps, plus has acetone in it to stabilize the acetylene. And cottonlike stuffing, but oh well. Alright, I'll look more closely at propane then, Thanks all.
  2. Well, I've been visiting websites for years wanting to setup a forge and start pounding some metal . Now that I actually can, and have a basically limitless supply of metal on hand for free or minimal I want to start designing a forge and building it. Now, I've just recently started a new job at a steel mill, They use natural gas for everything, from the reheat furnace to the cutting torches, So I know it can easily get hot enough to work steel with, Any particular advantages between natural gas and propane? And what kind of blower system should I look into? I've looked at several of the gas forge designs on the site, And I will use similar ignition and fuel injection systems, But not much was said about Blowers. I've been thinking of making the forge out of an old acetylene tank, one of the big fat round ones Any, pros/cons on that one? And of course since I cant afford to do everything at once I will probably be using part of a steel slab from work as an anvil, we ship everything from electrical steel to armor plate so I'm sure something will work. And I can easily cut down and bevel any said chunk of steel into something workable I should think, the machine shop guys shouldnt have a problem with that. Anyway, more information is always welcome.
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