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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Shanemr

  1. http://m.flickr.com/lightbox?id=8571664299
    Hopefully the images post. After sandblasting its a 135lb Fisher Eagle circa 1891. Randy is gonna help me fix the pitted holes and use hardened welding rods to fix the edges up a little bit. I'm still using his anvils until my forge is finished and I get set up at home. I read these anvils don't ring as loud as most which is a big plus.
  2. First anvil. They're customers of mine at John Deere. I'll offer $200 cash. Randy who's mentoring me is saying we can weld the edges and grind or mill it back. All I had is a 15 inch section of rail I was gonna shape up. I can recoup probably about 50-80 or more selling the rail. Anvil market here is scarce and expensive.

  3. Hi, I'm Shane, I live in Abita Springs and recently got very interested in smithing when I met a customer who gave me his business card as a "Forge and Machine" service. I have only had the opportunity to get a hammer and metal in hand once. My goal was something simple that used most of the basics just to get an idea. Was going to make a handle for a coal shovel. Near the end due to poor planning and probably poor positioning of my work on the anvil....it broke. But I learned a lot and cant wait to try again.

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