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I Forge Iron

Sandy B

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Everything posted by Sandy B

  1. Living with a blacksmith is like living with a 2 year old because: 1. They're always beating on something. 2. Mom's kitchen is one of there favorite places to play, they're always baking something you wouldn't want to eat. 3. You never know what you'll find in their pockets. 4. No matter how many times you tell them to be good or they'll get coal for Christmas, they just keep being bad. 5. They have their own way of knowing when dinner is ready, when the fire goes out in the forge. 6. They always get dirty when they go out to play. 7. Dirt is still the sign of social acceptance. 8. If you don't bathe them yourself, they'll never get their elbows and behind their ears clean. 9. Mom still has to kiss their ouchies. and this is for Jr 10. You can pick them both up by their bib straps or suspenders. :roll:
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