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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Pulsepushthepopulace

  1. I'm just waiting for twenty other people to follow in suit taking a side with a whimsical soap-box stance, telling me who I am and how I should act... Elders... What are we, Protestants? LOL?







    If you want this failed attempt, or any follow up information concerning the progress of this anvil restoration, please email me at sinepariforge@hotmail.com... I'm outta here... catch me elsewhere on NWBA... or other blacksmithing events in the Southeast... I have nothing more to contribute here. goodbye.

  2. Many folks on here have a vast amount of years in the forging background . it does not matter if you are a youngster or an elder if you are not willing to do a bit of research on your own either on this site (it has a ton of information to read ) or on the net searching ( most of the time it will bring you to this site ) then you are not doing your part as a Smith should . acting like a mere child that calls others names and insults shows that you really have no interest in being or doing Smith work and are wasting the time of the Elders of this community with frivolous questions and remarks that is Childish and immature. 


    Thus you will not get any help or answers to what you seek . as you appear to be a waist of time and effort to help since you have no desire to help your self .




    Best Regards




    I had no questions, I was presenting a piece of information for the good of the group. This rod is found throughout the forums as being a solution to the problem when in fact it is not.


    You're making an assumption that I'm helpless, and capitalizing on this chance situation to come off as long winded and supportive of the Smith... Please tell me how the informative presentation of information, which has been deleted by myself, could be of no use or help to the smithing community???  Your turn.

  3. Doc is not a neck bearded keyboard jockey he has something like 40 years of forging under his belt.   

    I don't care if he was the first smith to touch the hot iron with a hammer. Does he really think I didn't do my research on the rod first???  


    This whole string of anvil repair threads is a collective group of us testing and comparing different methods of repair rumored and suggested by the forum. The end result is finding different "effective" methods, and dispelling rumored fixes... 15CrMn was rumored to be a decent repair method by 3 individuals throughout the IFI threads so far, and none of them have answered any of my emails asking how it's working out, hence the experimental thread... I don't appreciate someone acting like a smug nancy, quoting the manufacturer literature, and belittling my efforts. That's hardly a display of experience, wisdom, or professionalism that should be coming from someone thats supposedly a mentor of the trade... 

  4. Peace.

    Content removed.




    Assembled Materials;

    168 lbs - No-Name (German Trenton) Soft/Thin top plate; Machining/Heat damage

    10 lbs. – Linclon Wearsheild 15CrMn $81.63 (Airgas)

    1 ct. tempril stick 300 degrees/F

    1 ct. little blue bottle of propane- $7.80 ( 2pack) Home Depot)

    Abrasives; 3 flap disks, three grinder wheels, needle scaler, and knotted wire brush… (had these on hand)

    Proper cleaning and welding preparation taken. All divits, blemishes, and torch cuts wer ground down to bare metal.

    I started my preheat in a different manner, as the individual that decided to mill down the face of this anvil past the point of thin also decided to mill off one of the sides removing the Trenton trademark, and also taking about a ¼” x4”x12” of wrought iron meat with it… I had some spare 7018 laying around and figured why not build it back up??? Figured it would also aid me in my preheat… So I cleaned that area down to bare metal with the wire brush, and heated with the small propane tank till empty, which brought the side to what I would consider welding temp taking into account that part of the anvil wasn’t structurally important. Started laying 7018 beads…

    ***All the while keeping note of tempril stick marking atop the anvil plate ***

    After a fair number of passes the anvil face reached 300 degrees… Preheat, per instructions, wasn’t required except for HC steel (recommended for optimal results) 500F…

    10# Lincoln WEARSHEILD 15CrMn; 5/32
    Welder Setting; DC+ @ 200 amps
    interpass temps @ 300 degrees F

    2 layers yield 40-50 Rc. (work hardened)

    Before photos....

    First layer

    Second Layer

    Finished Product


    Wearsheild 15CrMn is still soft after a great deal of peening (>1hr)... After over an hour Anvil face yields about %30-%50 rebound, yet the ball bearing dents the surface. Unless there is a better more efficient way to bring hardness closer to the 50Rc mark then I'm afraid that this rod is an insufficient method of repair. I would suggest it as a build up rod only, as it does weld extremely well, no worries on snuffing the arc, and it is tuff as snot... Grinding was laborious.

    All is not in vain, because I did know there was a chance that it would be too soft, so it now becomes the butter layer for my next route of repair. I've already cross checked the filler, and I think that the next write up involving this anvil will be a winner...

  5. Jump on it. Looks weird to me, but from the feet waist and shape, it looks like a Columbia. Their cast steel high quality anvils and that looks to be in mint condition... columbian anvils sometimes have what looks to be a top plate, but I'm pretty confident, in this case, that it's cast... I can also almost make out what looks to be a upside down triangle with a C... tell tale identification if you can verify it through the seller... 

  6. lol... I have no idea why I'm posting at 4 a.m.???? I honestly don't remember posting anything above, but I'm sure it was more directed to those that find it impossible to find a good anvil at a good price (in the US)....


    If I were in the UK I'd be a dangerous man, I know that much for sure... I'd love to bring an influx of european makes over here, like some members and ebay individuals do. 

  7. I have a confession. I am an anvil addict...


    I collect for the preservation of the craft and have every intention to flip them towards any "smith" that desires a good working anvil at a fair market price.  Profit isn't a dirty word either. Any turned profit goes into the pot for more anvils, other blacksmith related equipment, or repair consumables... bring me two or three "in need of repair" anvils, and I'll trade ya one good usable one... 


    Use TPAAT... my last post in that thread I attained 5 anvils in less than a month.... Since then I've added 5 more (2 months)... I'm not a brazillionaire; I'm a dad, I work a crappy part-time job 20-30hrs/week, and I'm a full-time college student... 


    You got to want it... I guarantee that if there is a decent anvil within a 4 hr drive, I'm making contact, en route, and building rapport with the seller before anyone else.  I scour the paper, garage sales, flea markets, swap meets, antique stores, any and all places where an anvil might be hiding... I've lost a few deals to a few collectors that offer full asking price before I get there, and I've had to walk away from some because people were holding onto their inflated price tag... Some times you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you... I've even extended my inventory to individuals that I've befriended here and there, at cost! , yet there's still really no emphasis or urgency on their part... 


    DO the leg work. make an educated decision. adhere to a budget. fork out the cash. get yourself an anvil. hit it when it's hot.


    Friend of mine once told me;


    "Don't let the situation define your actions... Let your actions define the situation...."

  8. I know I'm late to the party, but Congratulations!!!! What an accomplishment!


    I can't imagine anything more uplifting than to point out into the distance and say "that's my work", and know that it will be cherished by generations to come... That's pretty special...

  9. I would seriously look into renting a booth at a weekend flea market, making a website, getting an etsy account... Use the earnings to take a few classes at a local college, art is a pretty fascinating subject if you can see past everyone else's perspectives and opinion. Your earnings could also pay the way to spend a week at a folk school or even a notable accomplished smith teaching classes... 

  10. Thread bump. I hope the moderators can sticky these repair methods... :D??? Beebs did an awesome write up, I plan on using that same format for my attempt...


    My victim will be that Trenton, as it's confirmed soft, as a ball bearing test puts dents in the top plate... 



    I'll be using a 10# butter layer of Lincoln Wearshield  15CrMn (work hardened 40-50Rc), with a top layer of Stoody SELF-HARDENING (as welded 52-58 Rc)... 


    I'll be happy with anything @ 50+






  11. I'm whole heartedly agreeing with everyones points. Maybe the VIP isn't the best course of action when it comes to building a community, however I do like the idea of donation badges... lol (we don't need no stinkin badges!!!)...


    In short, this thread identifies that there are a good number of willing and able... That's a good sign that IFI has a pretty strong user base... I would never wish any changing for the worser if ya'll catch my drift, just stirring the pot as always...


    Glenn, as a great many have already stated, please inform me when the next donation drive is... Our conversation via phone was cut short to a dead battery on my part. That following, day/week was mid-terms, and I regretfully forgot to call you back... However it's definitely a breath of fresh air knowing that you're not just an avatar/mod calling shots behind a keyboard, you're an actively engaged enthusiast/propagator of this craft through and through... We can't ask for a better heart running the show...

  12. Consider your location to be "prime" for picking up a decent anvil at a decent price... I've also noticed a sort of seasonal phenomena when it comes to anvils, as there were very few listings here in FL durring the summer months, and the market opened up around december... When the snowbirds start returning in the next month or so, you might see a gradual influx of iron, so hold fast... just a hunch...

  13. My apologies Juddson, i had no intention of coming off as nitpicking.


    Pulse provided a well thought out and detailed proposal of his plan, and asked for our opinions and ideas and why we thought that way.




    to which i have responded in kind, with my comments on his proposal and the reasons why i think that way.


    i know i would appreciate a detailed answer more than a simple yes or no when the question was posed to brainstorm.


    Any and all responses are appreciated, and lets face, it if it's a total wash I have nothing personally invested in this except the time it took to make the poll and the attached thread... I like fresh ideas, and logical perspectives... in the middle we find that communal mindset...



    I did however LOL at the "being apart of Glenns staff..." It's not beyond reality, but if any of my conversations with him via PM were public, it would be all to clear that I'm not affiliated... I don't know who runs the show, I thought it was all of us?


    I totally agree that there should be no divisive connotation, maybe some sort of physical service to the forum could count towards the VIP??? Say IFI and a regional organization such as FABA (just using one off the top of my head) sponsor a demo at a school or a craft fair... If your local to said demo, go out, get involved, help set-up, and earn it that way... 


    On the note that everyone is a VIP, I agree to the core of my being that not one individual should be declared "better than someone else" by a simple title... The VIP is just the designator used in my other forum, you could simply title it as "supporter" if you'd like... or iron head... or hammer time...

  15. I have no affiliation with Glenn nor did this thread originate from anyone in the staff.  I've pitched quite a few fits with him myself, almost left a couple of times due to moderation disconnects. I just have to settle down, look at the big picture, and realize that this place is at the top of online references to blacksmithing. I want the art to flourish, I want to be a part of it's rebirth... I see an issue, then see a plausible solution.... 



    This idea originates from another forum I am a member of, and the VIP implementation served it well. It's probably one of the closest knit communities I'd ever been a part of, and the members hold the support of the forum in the highest regard. The rules over there are very lax, and the community is genuinely motivated in keeping the fight alive. 


    All these ideas that are coming across are essential in tweaking the VIP  idea to suit the needs and wants of the forum. 


    The proposition isn't meant to be a profitable venture, it's more of a cohesive implement, and one that enables the forum to grow. I think 


    out side forum link removed

  16. Issues and concerns pop up from time to time in the realm of forum evolution. A great deal of issues can spawn from the win and wann of updated systems and a growing forum; the need for more server space, bugs and fixes, administration needs, coding, spam hunting, etc. The purpose of this poll is to generate a tangible count on how many of you wouldn't mind making a monetary contribution towards a VIP- like iForgeIron experience. Below is an example of perks that could possibly be implemented, as an incentive to go VIP, to include a subforum viewable by VIPs only. This subforum can serve as a platform for special correspondence, possibly sponsorship incentives?, or whatever else your imagination comes up with... Heck, maybe someone can throw in a cool bumper sticker to sweeten the deal???


    For those whom cannot afford it;

    In my past experience in forums with this VIP option, the forum admin and moderators would recruit helpful members of the forum by sponsoring 1 year memberships. In an even more selfless notion, VIP members themselves might sponsor a valued member. 


    The whole point in this is to support the website with the availability of capital for furthering it's capabilities and expanding an already priceless hub of information. Excess cash flow could further the setup of IFI sponsored events, establish a retail portal for merchandise, or even offer scholarships to young budding smiths that lack the financial means to further themselves... ( just brainstorming possibilities)


    example of perks;




    So, who's willing, able, or interested in such a step??? Who's not??? 


    add an additional input as to Why? / Why not?


    air your opinion and reasoning... open platform and no looming judgment with either choice..

  17. Sorry I didn't describe it completely, It has the name Fisher on the front base and 1896 above the base on the back under the tail. Its very clearly a Fisher.

    I just added the mention of the "A" because I hadn't run across that on any of the many Fisher anvils I've seen before.


    My pre-1860 Fisher is marked with an "A", it stands at about 100 pounds. I've seen 20 pounders with an "A" as well, one just sold on ebay last week... So the "A" is one of those things that remains a mystery, like the hash marks and numbers on some Fisher feet... could be the mold pattern, could be the time of year, material origin, could be some guy 170 years ago playing a joke on us... 

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