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I Forge Iron


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  1. Yes but i was wondering what brand would be the best, the heaviest type i can get is a refflinghaus, for the same price a kohlswa would be lighter, and a peddinghaus is around the same price as a refflinghaus
  2. im aware of the fact that a block of granite ( i think it was) would do me good, but i havent realy got to much other to spend the money on and i realy like the idea of a horn, but i dont like the idea of buying an anvil for nearly 1000 USD when i can pay 500USD extra and get a brand new Refflinghaus shipped to me that weighs 25kg more than the anvil i showed. im not even sure if there is a way he can ship the anvil as in Norway you have to get acces to industrial shipping for shipping stuff heavier than 35kg, so i dont know if i can even get it shipped to me... though i might find my grand grand fathers anvil as he was a professional smith, do i think it is sold, but i have heard refflinghauses are very good and if the Euro drops even more i will get it for a lower price....
  3. Thats what i also was thinking but im thinking that it qould be better just to pay 400 USD extra and have brand new anvil that i know is good + corners not destroyed, and i know of some of the things that have been used up the years by diffrent smiths but im thinking of just buying a good anvil now and stick with it
  4. Hello there, i was thinking of buying an anvil but i cant realy figure out wich to buy, a new anvil in the 60-70 KG weight class costs around 1200 USD (kohlswa) while a used one (no name generaly and mostly cast, im guessing steel) costs 800 USD (generally with the edges beaten off) and if i was to buy a kohlswa, maybe i should just go for a 90-80KG (costs 1600)(200 pounds) anvil, i wouldnt realy want any heavier beacuse i cant move it around much then. I was thinking of buying a B26, i can afford the extra cost but then i wont realy have any money (i only earn 100 USD a month + the occasional chainmail i sell that makes it to around 200-300 USD a month) i was also wondering if you could ID an anvil for me, it weighs 50 KG and he wants 600USD for it + shipping = 800USD
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