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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Unsalted1

  1. I have read a lot of discussion about tempering and drawing a straw color in the knife or using an oven and letting it set for an hour in 400 degree heat. What benefit is it for the knife to be warm for an hour vs usin a small torch to draw a wheat color into the knife. Could someone explain this or give me a good website to read about different heat treating processes

  2. Well I am using 1095 and 5160 spring steel, I know my forge gets to forge welding temperatures an I plan on using 20 mule team powder as my flux between my folds. I honestly have assumed it was simply welding to pieces together getting them hot enough to forge weld them together and continually foldin the layers into one another. I assume by your post it must be more than that. I have access to a world renown knife maker who has been helping me along but sometimes I feel bad asking him with the petty details so that is why I joined this forum so I could get help from lots of guys who know how to do things or are just learning like myself so any links hints or ideas are much appreaicated Thanks in advance

  3. I am basing the fact that is lost its edge by the fact it doesn't shave hair anymore I will try sharpening at a different angle and see if I get better results thank you for the info as far a heat treat schedule I used new transmission fluid heated to uncomfortable to have your hand in and brought the blade up to bright orange same color as I have used on other knives (need to get a steel magnet to be certain from now on) and quenched the blade edge first then brought the temper up to a golden brown color as I don't have a oven usable for tempering

  4. Basically I have a new forge and some good metal for making Damascus am I insane for trying to do this by hand. What do I need to be prepared for. And any hints that could get me moving in the right direction

  5. So I made my wife a kitchen knife out of 5160 saw steel. I used stock removal to make the blade but since it is a kitchen knife I made it a little longer and thinner than my other knives (all three of the them) however it held an edge through about 20 cutting of meat vegetables and fruits and has lost its razor sharpness I have been told this steel should really hold up. So I am assuming I messed up my heat treatment and didn't get total knife heated well. Anyone ever tried to reheat treat a knife with handle material still on. Was thinking about trying to wrap the handle in wet cloth or something since I don't want to destroy the knife since its the first one I made for my wife and she doesn't want me to either. I could make a completly new one but hate the idea of a knife I made not being up to par with what it's capable of. Anyway would like to try to re heat treat the knife if possible. Let me know what you think.

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