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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by tab112983

  1. Thanks all I was running acetylene because it was what an author of a book I was reading was using. I switched over to propane and after about ten minutes my peice got non magnetic so I quenched it in oil. It looked all kosher so I asume i got a nice heat treat. I think ill do the same with some scrap and have it Rockwell tested just to make sure. Thanks again!


  2. Hello, I made the standard one brick forge for hardening some small blades and I am using an acetylene torch to heat it it. I have a metal heating tip on the torch and have it situated about 5 inches off of the opening of the hole. I make the inner flame about an inch long. As the soft fire brick begins to heat up all of a sudden the torch starts popping like a pack of lady fingers and I have to shut it off. What am I doing wrong?

  3. I am trying to flat grind metal for knives I am making. I am looking for a peice of equipment that will run me about a hundred bucks. I am wondering if I should buy a 12 inch disk sander or a 4x 48 belt sander. What would you all recommend? Would there be any modifications I could make like mounting some rubber behind the sand paper to keep from putting accidental scratches on the peice im working? Any advice is welcome.

  4. Hello, I am learning how to cut with an acetylene torch. I have watched a lot of videos of people making nice precise cuts and every time I go cut I burn a wide swath through. I read an article that said you are supposed to put the thickness of the inner flame a little more than the thickness you are trying to cut. I am trying to cut 1/8th inch D2 steel and I cant seem to get my inner flame to that size without turning it into a bunch of little individual blue flames. My torch isn't a victor its some knock off. Do I need to pony up and buy a better torch or am I don't something wrong?

  5. Made my first forge today. I cut a groove in two soft fire bricks and stacked hard fire bricks around it. I cut a fire hole in the side that is deeper and higher than the working chamber. I cut a hole in a third fire brick to hold my oxy acettlene torch at the fire hole. I used a metal heating tip and cranked it up. After a couple of minutes it glowed red inside. I havent tried to work with it yet. Comments or concerns are welcome, thanks!

  6. I just saw this "redneck" anvil for sale for dirt cheap and I was wondering if it would be worth the effort at all. I am just getting into forging knives and I know that this would not be the anvil of my dreams but if I could snag it for around 20 bucks do you guys think it would get me by until I saved up enough money to buy the real deal? It looks like its an I beam that was cut and welded onto a stand. It has obviously gotten some use so it should be good for something right?


  7. Yeah, fantastic response. I am going to check out those books and start looking for an 150 lb anvil. I liked the page with your friends home made fork lift anvil. I have seen several rail road rail anvils, but I liked how that anvil was vertical. Would it be ok to weld a hardened piece of steel onto a vertically oriented railroad track?


  8. Hello there, I am a new cutler and I want to get into forging some of my knives the old fashion way. Thus I need an anvil, but I don't really know much about them. I know it needs to have a nice hard face but thats about it. For making small to medium size blades how big of an Anvil should I get? What should I expect to pay? Are there any blade forging books you guys would recommend?


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