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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by charliechitlins

  1. Back in my antique motorcycle days, we would Parkerize. It's a mild acid etch, then dunked in oil, or better, Cosmoline. Very weather resistant.
  2. Howdy...new here from SE PA. I'm a barely-above-beginner. I have a pretty large table forge (probably 4'x4') and I think I would like a chimney...but feel free to try to talk me out of it. Of the 70 or 80 total hours I've spent at a forge, most of it has been with a chimney, and I found it much more enjoyable than smithing without for ease of managing the fire and cooking up a good supply of coke to keep moving toward the center. but maybe I just need to get better at managing the fire. Does anybody have any ideas for an easy chimney that van be mounted to a table? I do have a gas welding rig that I can cut and weld with. Thanks! Looking forward to being here.
  3. Howdy, I'm a barely-above-beginner hobby hitter from Spring City PA. I have a weird, old table forge with a hand-crank blower, a broken leg vise some farmer welded to a big chunk of plate steel and a clapped out old anvil I traded for some welding. My smithy will, for the time being, be outside under a walnut tree that will provide my only shade when the leaves come out. I initially joined here because, being a beginner, my fire tending skills are not so great and I think I really want some kind of chimney/flue on my table to help with getting the coal to coke up, but I'm sure there will be plenty of other stuff to talk/ask about once I get rolling!
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