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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Kwisatz

  1. You’re correct.  The dimensions are off, it started out that way, but ended up much bigger and heavier than it should be.  I’ll be trying again soon.  Thanks for the feedback.

    Nice spear, but sadly it is no Iklwa(no disrespect intended) , blade and handle should be of similar length it was meant to be a short stabbing spear, for close quater work!

    If memory serves me correctly, they were about 4ft long, with a very wide blade. Sorry most images of Shaka were done by Europeans who had imprinted mental images of the Zulu(who were typically very "athletically" built but short of stature) as tall Masai with long spears.



  2. Over All Length, 5-1/2 feet long and the spear head is made if 3/8 inch thick steel. The spearhead is my Stock Removal project, I hand made the jute rope wrapped around the top quarter to cover the bolts that secure the steel to the wood and add texture. At the shoulders, the spear head is 4 inches across. I screwed a steel ring to the shaft at the bottom that can be used for a myriad of reasons.  Now its time for Beta Testing!  I’m gong to put it through a car door, a wooden dorm and anything else I can find.  I may give it to a friend who is an enormous Strongman/Powerlifter and see how much damage he can do with it. 




    I’ve recently started experimenting with etching,  I used PCB etchant from Radio Shack on another blade, the results were nice.  I am going to etch my next spear, however I want to make the spearhead black.  To get the same high-contrast that the folks over at Zombie Tools use.  I think they also use ETEC-502 somewhere along the process. Any advice and constructive criticism is appreciated.







  3. I made a list of 5 places to call, then had a girl do the asking on the phone. They were more than eager to give her whatever she asked for! I showed up with her “just to lift heavy stuff” lol.

    Bang hot metal and have fun doing it!

    If you want leaf and coil springs call up your local repair shops. They often times have to pay to have their scrap disposed of. Show up dressed to get dirty, and bring a forged trinket. You can probably get all the scrap spring you want.

    Buying new however makes production of an item easier because it is a "known" material vs "mystery metal" It also saves your time processing out scrap so you can use it.

  4. I disagree, that knife has a very important identity. Its your first. You’ll make lots more over time, but that one will always be the most important work you have ever done!

    Great Job!

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