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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by FTK

  1. @keykeeper The vice has a full leg, The Bottom tightly sits in a piece of pipe that is welded to the main baem (stand). There are also some smaller beams welded to the main one for extra strenght in de concrete.

    @yesteryearforge I don't know the brand of the vice, there are no markings on it. This type is very common here, i think it's German. Also the plate riveted to the side of the vice is practically standard here.

  2. Hi
    I’m thinking about buying a die-grinder. To get at hard to reach welds and so.I can’t decide if i should buy an air powered or an electrical grinder.The air powered is smaller so it can access small places better, but i’m worried it doesn’t have the power.(my compressor delivers 400 L/min). And then there is the price a good air powered one will cost me about 100euro’s (135 USD) the electrical can cost up to 300 euro’s(400USD).
    So do any of you have experience with this type of tool all information is welcome.


  3. If there is such chance it can go wrong i ‘m not going to weld the firepot.
    The forge works very well with the cracks so i’m going to leave them in. I have the forge for 3 years now and the cracks haven’t grown. Sometimes clinker sticks to the cracks but that’s not a big problem.
    I tired to attach some pics i hope u can see them.
    Thanks a lot for all the advice.



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