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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by FredSmith

  1. Fred; that home made anvil looks lovely and will be so handy as a tooling plate when you move onto a different anvil---but probably already have a slew of tools that fit your plate!

    Is that a tong groove on the horn? If so it was probably the top of a 2 piece cone or one of the hardy cones.

    I believe that it was a hardy cone, but I'm not sure, and yes, the holes in it are very useful, I made a hot cut hardy, bending fork, and a light duty fuller, that all fit. Other kids in my class made a grill. I brought in some hot dogs after i finished my forge and anvil, and cooked them up on some charcoal. It was pretty awesome.

  2. Hey guys show me your anvils!

    Don't tease, it is just my first until I build up the funds to get a real anvil, I made my entire shop in a semester of advanced welding at school. The face of the anvil is a wear plate from a payloader. The base and middle part are beams that held up an awning in front of my high school. The horn was donated to me from my shop teacher, because he had an extra one to spare. It is easily over 100#, and does what I need it to for now :D !


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