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I Forge Iron


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  1. if you have any trouble you can email me at robyn1870@yahoo.com or call the phone number on Auctionzip.com and ask to speak to Ceann.
  2. The auction is being held on January 8th 30 Creamery Road Westtown NY 12771 AUCTIONZIP.COM Auctioneer ID 11800 Absentee bids are accepted if you are interested!
  3. I am already commited to an estate auction and have already advertised it, just wanted some further information and happened upon this site. Does anyone think the value is high enough to warrant pulling it from the auction?
  4. WOW! Thanks.... any idea on it's value? Is this a desirable anvil - or just generic?
  5. I recently did an estate clean out and found this great old anvil. It is approx 150 pounds, but the odd thing is it has an extra arm or "horn" coming out of the side of it. I am trying to sell it, but couldn't find any information about an anvil with a side arm..... Anyone know anything about this?
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