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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by monty

  1. thanks folks smile.gif Yes, the shafts were taken from coppiced stools. My workshop is in the middle of a 10 acre woodland, so I'm able to source most of the woods that I like to use from within a few hundred yards! The poles were harvested a few months ago, the barked stripped off and then hung in the rafters of my workshop to season a bit. Then last friday I sat by th campfire and straightened them out.

    with steam?
  2. http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/24270-melting-copper/
    the melting pot is a thick walled cap offf something, basically a short cylinder, without the top half, i also added "lid" a bit of scrap plate, piled th coas aroud a waited ( add carcoal to the inside to stop oxidisation/weird ceramic that forms with copper when it absorbs oxygen)
    you need to have a large fire even to melt copper so i dont think steel is possible in a forge
  3. the cast was successful i melted it in some sort of cap, similar to a small thick walled pan, with a spout chiseled into one side, and a bar welded on, i then made a huge fire, put in said copper, probably about an ounce then put a peice of scrap plate ontop, places some semi charred wood in the "crucible" then built up the fire around it and left it, when i saw a molten mess in the bottom, i blowtorched the angleiron trough with a small propane burner, to evaporate water, and poured it straight in, once it had cooled from a liquid state, i knocked it out, and cooled it off.it wasnt a perfect ingot so i intend to remelt the bad half this afternoon, and hopefully get pics!
    thank you for all your help

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