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I Forge Iron


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  1. Thanks. That does seem to show the process of making tongs as well as explaining what I will need to do to achieve this. Thank you
  2. We have come up with a final plan for the shack we are going to build to house our smithy. Although I don't know if anyone will be able to view this, it was made in Google Sketch up and can only be viewed in that program. Ok. Nevermind. It won't let me upload that file type.
  3. Thank you. Again the people of this forum amaze me with their kindness. I am checking all of those suggested pages and have saved copies all of the pdf files from the ABANA page, I hope that is legal. To answer your questions, Mr. Powers, to my knowledge the fur trade still had French influence in this area until it ended, but although I may be wrong the living musuem we are planning will be a French fur trader's cabin. And there is a living musuem in the area but, but it is a different time period. I believe it is an early to mid 1900's logging camp. I have not heard of Diderot's Encyclopedia, but I intend to google it and see if their is a copy online that I will be able to peruse.
  4. That is what I would like to do. Although I have been unable to find a pattern for tongs or some basic instructions on how to make them, and I do not know whether or not the blacksmith that may be visiting my school will teach me how, so just in case he does not do you know where I can find a scetch of a pair of tongs or instructions on how to make them? If you could that would be amazing.
  5. The setup we would like is to have it look as authentic as we can but remain within our budget. We had intended to use the sink because one of the teachers at my school has one that he no longer needs and he is willing to donate. We have planned to disquise it in a way that would look authentic, although I am open to any ideas that anyone has, and a scetch with dimensions of a box forge would be great, BlackSmithBear, thank you. We had also planned on aming charcoal ourselves to save money, and so I could learn the process of making charcoal.
  6. We had assumed we would be using either charcoal, or because we are on a very limited budget we might be using regular wood. We intend to build the forge out of a double sided sink that we will be disquizing as a brick forge and we will be making a set of bellows, and we have found someone who might be able to get us an anvil, and who may be willing to teach me some basics.
  7. We are considering early North American fur traders era. If that helps at all. Probably early to late 1800's.

  8. The time and place we are planning to represent are the American fur trade era in Wisconsin. We want this to look like the kind of set-up that someone making a living trapping fur who has a blacksmithing area so they can make any repairs to their equipment and make any additional equipment they may need.
  9. I posted some pics of the "Period" shop I work in, 1890-1920. I'd be happy to help with your project. What time frame are you considering?

  10. I posted some pics of the "Period" shop I work in, 1890-1920. I'd be happy to help with your project. What time frame are you considering?

  11. Thanks. If I can find a metal shop nearby that will allow me to visit I will bring donuts. Thanks for the advice. I had not thought of bringing those, but now that you have mentioned them it is a very good idea, and if they don't take all of them I can eat those that are left over.
  12. Thanks. I will see if there is a metal work shop nearby that I can get cut-offs from. I hadn't known whether or not that would work, but I will try it. Thanks fot the input, it is much appreciated.
  13. Thank you. I will definitely be looking around for any scrap metal that I can find.
  14. Thank you. I had thought about that but was unsure of how productive it would be.
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