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I Forge Iron

Earthbound Engineer

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Everything posted by Earthbound Engineer

  1. Yes, I realize that it can be done, but I have never had much success with it. Yes, but keep in mind that JB Weld is no ordinary epoxy; it's made to withstand heat and impact....to a certain extent anyway. Nonetheless, I have been using this set-up for three years now and the steel plate has remained firmly attached to the anvil.
  2. JB Weld is a high-strength epoxy used for bonding metal. I use it for "welding" metal that can otherwise not be welded in the traditional sense (i.e. cast iron and steel).
  3. Well, it's certainly not a Peddinghaus anvil, but with a little work, it's a good start. First of all, like the others have said before me: by all means, if you can find a real anvil, buy it! But, if you can't find one or you are strapped for cash, this cast-iron A.S.O. will work for now with some modifications. As soon as you buy it, take an angle grinder and take that **** paint off of the face and horn. Then, round off the horn a little bit - it should look like a horn, not a duck's bill. Next, get at least a 1/4 inch mild steel plate from your local hardware store or welding supply shop and use JB Weld to affix it to the anvil. This set-up isn't the greatest, but I only use it for knife-making so it works for me. Good luck.
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