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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by TeenIronworker

  1. Ive been blacksmithing for about 3 years now, making things just for around the farm, not really any tools (pitchforks, Shovels, hooks etc...) lately I've been trying to figure out how to make an axe, my only problem is I cannot get high enough tempratures for welding, or working my steel effectively, so it seems I beat a round bar flat and machine it. I use old motor shafts, no idea what kind of steel that it... but anyways, I dont have any tools either, just my hammer, anvil and trusty natural wood forge, not even a pair of tongs, and one piece of steel left that isnt structural angle iron. Ive decided on an axe because that will get used to death, I go through axes like water, im tired of using stuff that says "made in china" and need guarenteed quality, would it be better to punch an eye through the steel by starting kind of cheating before the heat (cutting an eye through each side with an angle grinder until they meet and spreading them with a wedge) or wrapping the steel around say, an old piece of pipe, twisting it since i cannot weld, try to manage to pop the pipe out, even it out with the hammer and get it to the final shape with a kind of makeshift "damascus" do keep in mind I would like to use it and not make it just look cool and also only have a one inch thick round motor shaft about 3 feet long, or would that be pointless and very stupid to even attempt? any advice would be great this is my very first project.
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