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I Forge Iron

Roger Keagle

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Posts posted by Roger Keagle

  1. Yep, some more food for thought, again, thanks for the input guys ! For one thing, I know the finish is NOT crinkle paint ! The example I showed is at least 100 years old, and more than likly older...I am not any expert in such. Saw some older Japanese tools at a show in Melbourne and they really impressed me...the surfase gave a good grip besides looking good, and contrasted well with the highly polished cutting surface. I noted a harmon line where the edge had been tempered so perhaps the method suggested by
    Skumkriv might be close to what I am seeking. I use a coal forge so scale is not a problem, sweep up heaps of it after every firing..

    SMILING....Trust Tai Goo to invent a wacker...this also has merit, and perhaps is combined with other things could get the desired result...guess you guys know what I will be doing on the next few cool days here in Oz (Thats short for Australia)

  2. I believe Tyler is on the right track, all of what I have learned so far seems to point in this direction. Not sure is we can do the surface using Western alloys of steel...does any one know more ?
    THis has been a great help so far, I will try and find a pic for example.

  3. Here are a few of my latest...

    Blade is 154 layers of 15n20 and Nickel plated 1084, Iron guard and Sambar Stag Handle.

    Blade 52100 outer race of a roller bearing from a D9 Cat Iron trim and Australian Blackwood handle.


    Blade, 15n20 and strapping steel, mixed with some L6...brass guard and leather, brass, and Smabar Stag handle.

    Working on a few just now, and will have some ready to show soon...
    Sorry to use Photonet to upload, but do not have an other URL site just yet.

    Edit: Roger, your images can be placed in the IForgeIron Gallery and displayed in the Forum as shown.




  4. Hello, new to this and hope I have pushed all the right buttons...
    Work in Oz Australia, in a quiet town out back, have been making knives since I can remember...well over 50 years now...have taught myself to engrave, forge weld and such...still learning every day !

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