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I Forge Iron


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    Weaver, AL USA


  • Location
    Weaver, AL, USA

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  1. Hi all, Just got this anvil and hoping someone can help me figure out who made it. Length is 18 1/2 inches. Height 8 5/8 inches. Base is 7 1/2 inches across the front. Hardy hole is 3/4 inches square. Weight is 68 pounds. No markings that I have found except the logo on the front which is shown as best I can get it in picture Anvil6. Thanks for any info. Dave
  2. depatty

    6 inch twisted hook

    This 6 inch hook was previously part of a paint roller handle. I dug it out of a burn pile and knocked the rust off of it then heated and beat it into a 3/16 inch square rod about 2 feet long. Most of it made staples to go into my anvvil stump to hold hardies. The last bit went into this hook.
  3. depatty

    Candle Holder Bottom View

    Bottom view shows the lighter brass color on the underside of the cup. Also gives a better idea of the twists the frame has in it.
  4. depatty

    Candle Holder Side View

    Made from an old 1/4 inch round electric fence post and a 2 inch disk of steel 1/8 of an inch thick. Round rod beat square, shaped, tapered, flattened and bent. Disk flattened, beat into a bowl shape, punched in the center. Frame heated to just red and let cool to black then dipped into beeswax and when cool enough rubbed with a rag to remove the excess. Candle cup was heated to just red and brushed with small brass brush. Top was brushed then the cup reheated, bottom brushed then top brushed again. Dipped into beeswax and wiped when cool enough to handle. Cup put onto cancle spike, seated and set with monkey tool.
  5. depatty

    First Knife other side

    Not too polished but a functional tool.
  6. depatty

    My first forged knife

    Coil spring. Started with 12 inches of 1/2 inch coil spring, ended with 10 inches of knife.
  7. depatty

    Celtic Cloak Pin

    Main part was made from a piece of 1/4 inch electric fence post. Pin was a 16 penny nail, head used in ladle project. New tongs make this so much easier.
  8. depatty


    Just a punch. Hard piece of shaft of some kind. Had it kicking around for years. Needed a punch this morning and this is what I ended up with. 3/16 to 1/2 inch. Cob rough but serviceable. Will polish it the next rainy day.
  9. depatty

    Slack Tub Ladle

    Bowl made of piece of heavy wall exhaust pipe, shaped hot into a piece of wood, burning it's way in. Got a nice depression for more shaping now. Handle is a piece of 1/4 inch round rod from an old electric fence post. Rivets are 16 penny nails cut off about a 1/4 inch long and hot bradded in. Holes in bowl and handle made with the punch I made earlier.
  10. depatty

    First Tongs Open Jaws

    First tongs showing the open jaws. They grip so much better than a pair of pliers.
  11. depatty

    First Tongs Side View

    My first set of tongs. Started in my old forge but finished today in the new one. Started out with a piece of steel 3/8 x 3/4 x 24. Built using the Dempsey Twist tutorial. Finished tongs 21 inches long with jaws 2 1/4 long x 1 1/8 wide.
  12. depatty

    New forge

  13. Old project of my fathers, about 20 years ago, that never got finished. Since it already had the hole cut in one side seemed ideal for the project.
  14. Hi all, Real name is David (Dave) Patty and I am from Weaver, AL. Been a tinker, electronics repair tech, and general handyman type as long as I care to remember. Got to know a fellow in the SCA who is into blacksmithing and it has renewed my interest. So I dug out my old (homemade) coal forge from the barn and am trying to get what few blacksmithing tools I have back together, repaired and new ones made. Just found this place last week and been going through the Blueprints section. Made it to the BP chat last night (2/27/07) and had a real good time. Thanks for a wonderful site! Dave
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