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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Tyler2045

  1. I would say normally under 100 pounds but you never know when deep sea fishing what you will pull up. I will be making a steel gaff to go along with it. I am thinking 3/8in square stock, with twists, for decoration. 

  2. Hello, I am Tyler. I have been in and out of the hobby of blacksmithing for 10 to 15 years. I learned from my grandfather who just recently passed away and left me all of his equipment. So I am now trying to set a shop up so I can get back into the hobby full swing. I will be posting in some of the other forms to see if yall can help me identify somethings. 

  3. Thank you sir, I have a  small Champion rivet forge I currently use. My mother is executor but everything has to be split with my aunt who wants to sell everything. I have what I guess to mate is about 10 to 12 thousand dollars at fair market in the back of my truck right not that I took from his house so that it would not be stolen. What is bad is this is only his metal working stuff. I have not even started to going threw his antique wood working tools, which is everything from draw knifes, coopering tools, bowl making, box planes, rabbit planes, and new stuff like lathes and saws. He was a retired Navy man, and loved to learn and do new things. In the last few years he started wood carving and was very good. He loved to teach and and pass on his knowledge, I was very lucky. 

  4. Image result for cast iron forge table with built in quench tank

    Hello, I learn blacksmithing from my grandfather, he passed this past friday. I went and collected his blacksmithing equipment so that it would not be stolen. I found a forge like this, I would like to keep it, so I will have to build it from my family or in the auction. I would like to know and approximated worth so I can keep this in my family, to use and enjoy. All help is appreciated. I learn to first heat metal and control a coal fire in this forge. 

  5. I have an Armitage Mouse Hole anvil, I think it is about 125 pounds, as I can pick it up by myself. I was woundering about how much is it worth? It has a lower spot in the middle of the face where it has been used, and it does show that is has been use. The sides have osme chips and are rounded not sharp but it is old it was my great grand fathers and grandfathers, and great uncles before it was given to me. Thanks for the responces Tyler.

  6. I could not break it or bend it. I did put it to a grinder and I got really fuzzy sparks. I have used this grinder a lot on lawn mower blades and some weldable steel and this is the fuzzyies spark I have seen.

  7. I have about 30 pounds of used tiller tines. These were bolt on tiller tines. They are about 1/8 inch thick on the back side. Does any one know if they will be good for knifes. I do not know how to tell the carbon content and I don't have an advanced shop. Please help me. Thanks Tyler

  8. I would prefer a coal forge. I have a friend who welds. I have a have small fan, a hair dryer is stronger than it is. I have a 2 foot piece of rail road track as a anvil. I also have about 25pounds of old removable tiller tines to play around with. I used to work in a hard ware store I can get pipe.

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