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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by southernforge

  1. Since we don't know what state or country you live in, makes it difficult to provide advice.

    You could take it to your local blacksmith meetings and get help in forge welding it, depending on your location.

  2. In Junior High science class we would magnetize stuff, then unmagnetize by tapping it against the table. The teacher said that rapping it against the table unaligned the molecules. Before you try anything with electricity, you might wish to try rapping a hammer against the table to see if that works.

  3. Im sure the company i bought the forge from would love to know they had been building the hoods 8inch flu collar wrong for 20 years..

    As Stewart, Glenn, Steve, myself, etc have said forges need larger than 8". A forge is not a furnace and a forge is not a decorative fireplace. Eight inches is standard for standard applications, your forge is not a standard application. Just because they build house chimneys does not make them knowledgeable about forge chimneys. Bottom line, Sorry to say but Stewart, Steve, and Glenn are right and your contractor wasn't. I am truely Sorry.
  4. I guess things have changed since I was in school. I was taught that the experimental method included a few more steps and in a slightly different order.

    1) Review previous literature on a subject
    2) Based upon the previous research and observations, derive an unanswered question.
    3) Turn the question into a theory.
    4) Convert the theory into a negative hypothesis
    5) Design a research tool that may disprove the negative hypothesis.
    6) Determine what statistics that you will use to analyze the data, keeping in mind both Type I and Type II errors (thus multivariate statistics being preferred to use of multiple statistical tests).
    7) Perform the experiment in a reproducible manner, and collect the data.
    8) Analyze the data using only the statistics previously identified (and not throw more statistics at the data until your point is proved, which is using statistics to lie).
    9) Interpret the data, discuss it, and identify unanswered questions that will lead to future research.

    What the professor said was that instead of following this scientific method, researchers instead:
    - read literature
    - come up with a theory
    - design a research tool
    - collect data
    - use technology to throw massive statistical tests at the data until they find one that supports their theory (this last point the professor's main objection)

  5. I remember a professor who once spent a three hour session explaining that science is defined by the scientific method, and that since researchers don't follow the scientific method, therefor there is no such thing as science. He further stated that researchers mistake the use of technology for science, therefor we should more accurately refer to the researchers as technologists rather than scientists.

  6. I sorta did, in that those needs are not my concern. The excess packaging is.

    I'm not sure it's a conscious need from the customer. I think its laziness on the part of the reseller. This has created an expectation that is unnecessary. I don't know about you but I have had a damaged item put in another box and shipped to me. Looked fine when I signed for it... As I said in my OP, why do I need a bag to put a perfectly good bag of chip in? I'm not sure you understand my peeve or your question....

    I fully understand your peeve and fully agree on decreasing packaging. You don't seem to understand or care that sellers must do their best to prevent returns of merchandise in order to stay in business.
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