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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by shosen

  1. Shosen, go to the library and borrow a copy of "Tool Steel Simplified" by Palmer and Leurssen. They've got some of the best layman's explainations I've seen."

    "By NOT tempering you have retained brittleness in the steel that can result in failure. Re-read about what tempering does to hardened steel to see its also relaxing the steel from the thermal shock of the hardening process."

    Will do! Thanks alot guys.
  2. I am new to blacksmithing and have a question. Let say u want to make a knife for example. So u use 1050 and harden it but do not temper and it reaches a certain hardness. Now u go and make another knife from 1095, harden it and then temper it so it reaches the hardness of the 1050 knife.
    Will they perform the same? or will one perform better then the other? If so could someone please explain how and why.

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