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I Forge Iron


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  • Location
    Colorado Springs, CO, USA
  • Biography
    Hobbyist-engineer-weapons afficionado
  • Interests
    swords, knives, armor, axes, martial arts
  • Occupation
    Engineer/Systems Architect/Security Specialist

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  1. Hi, I've just signed up. This forum appears to be a wealth of information for many projects I'd like to do. My interests are in swords of the Japanese tradition, Japanese armor, modern blades that penetrate modern armor, and Titanium wire chain mail. I am looking for an anvil, and some thing I can use to get metal hot, like a forge or an equivalent. I've got files, hammers, punches, saws, bench grinders, belt sanders, - and a willingness to learn. My wife makes decorative chain mail, in that the links are closed, but not flattened, pierced and riveted together. Of course, in today's economy, like all of you, I have more time to put into projects than money. One thing I may help anyone here with is any math problem you may run into during the course of your smithing. Cordially, Ralph
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