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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by ericborowick

  1. Hi my name is Eric, I am from central minnesota and am an HVAC service technician. There is a lot of info on knife building out there and it's hard to find out where to start. Our family has decided to build gifts this year for christmas and I decided I would like to build a knife for my brother. I have done metal fabrication etc. Metal is not new to me but knife making is and doing it properly. I would love for someone to give me an outline of the proper main steps or processes that go into making a knife and then I can do the research on the actual processes.(Main step by step points) I think I plan on using a leaf spring because they are readily available for me and cheap! Not sure in the knife yet, what would you recommend as a starter christmas present? I would like to make kukri. I appreciate anyones help or feed back. Thank you! Eric Borowick
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