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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by jimpeterson

  1. Hi, Guys....I thank you guys for the time you gave me, but I really didn't receive much help. I have spent over 30 years of my young life down in Sinaloa, and Durango, chasing gold and silver. I've mined 100 miles from the nearest city, and had to manufacture a lotta things needed in the mine. I have managed to get most of the jobs done, but it took a positive attitude. And I'll tell you what: if I can't build a simple steel door, I'll let you draw a crowd first. Thanks again, jim Peterson
  2. Hi, Guys....I've been a member for almost 15 minutes, now, and I need to get smart real quick... I want to build a front door for my winter home in Mexico. The opening is 16' by 8' wide. I don't know what was on there originally, but it's been gone for over half a century. I would like to have a door made from square metal tubing, with some fancy/neat scrolls. I found some nice used 1/2" x 4' metal fencing that can be bought at a good price (50 cents a pound). I think I'll make the doors 12' and have a 4' metal sun ray over the door. That's what a lot of the houses down there have. But I really have some questions; like what size metal should I use for the door frame? How many and what type hinges? I would like to have some massive, old looking hinges. Where can I obtain a low-cost bending jig for the scroll work? Can I make one myself? Would it be easier, or better to construct a frame first, or weld everything up first? Any books available that could help me? I have a small wire-feed welder, and a small torch. and grinders, etc. I would like to do most of the work myself. I'm not a welder, and we do have a guy that does welding in town, but he charges 12 dollars a day for his labor and welder. Any help or input will be greatly appreciated, jim Peterson Gardnerville Nevada/Bacubirito Mexico
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