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I Forge Iron

Hamon in a Spike knife ?


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I started exp with a spike knife today..It wasnt exactly edge quenched but more of a "half blade" quench leaving the spine of the blade soft..Ive etched in hot vinegar and lemon juice and there is a barely visible hamon...I was wondering, with a true edge hardening can you pull a decent hamon out of a spike knife?? Any of you guys tried it??

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Why bother, a rr spike is mild steel the HC ones are 30 points carbon, only half enough carbon to make a decent blade. To be fully hardenable you need at least 60 to 65 points of carbon. If you want to make a decent spike shaped knife, take a piece of 1095 forge it into a rr spike then forge that into a blade. Then when you edge quench it you can get the hamon line you are looking for.

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Im not that worried about it really..Just something to prank with..I started quenching all my spike knives in Super Quench and have noticed an appreciable difference...Lots of Railroad employees around here so I keep several made up for them..

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