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I Forge Iron

Looking for Bull Hammer 125 advice + knowledge

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I have a Bull 125 which usually works pretty darn well, but occasionally has problems that baffle me.  This results in difficult periods of not having a working power hammer in the shop, until I stumble upon, or luck into a solution.  The one person who knows a great deal about these hammers is Tom Trozak--who invented and developed them.  But for some reason he doesn't seem able, or perhaps willing, to answer my scores (literally) of phone calls to him.  So I've decided to try to take advantage of this "iforgeiron" forum to look for someone who has such knowledge, and is willing to share it.

I'd really appreciate any advice, knowledge or insight into these machines which are often good, but always pretty peculiar.

I'd be glad to either talk (828-400-6626) or type.

Many thanks,    Daniel Miller

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I was not aware that you were trying to contact me, much less literally scores of times. If you would like, try calling the office number 828.713.7828, and leave a number where I can call you back, or try sending a text to 828.713.0787 I'll call you back as soon as I can. If not, I can try to answer any questions you may have here.


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