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I Forge Iron

rivet forge ID

Mark Ling

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So, as some of ya'll know another one of my hobbies is bottle digging/dump digging, and so a while back I was digging in a 1940's dump and came across this. I'm pretty sure that it is an old pump style rivet forge but am not sure of the manufacturer, not that it really makes a different, just curious. I put on the pipe legs. Their strange because the legs aren't spaced out evenly, and neither are the bolt holes around were the tuyre (I don't think I spelled that right)is. the hole in the center also isn't centered- maybe there's a reason that I'm not aware of. The only markings is the number 501 in the "hearth" area (not sure if that's correct). I know, that's a lot of pictures to look at but, I thought that the more info ya'll had the easier it would be to find out the manufacturer, if that's even possible. I understand that there was a lot of companies, big and small, making this style of forge, so I'm sorry if this request isn't possible.









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I was looking at it some more and found the letter "U" about an inch tall. Hope this helps. Any ideas why the legs, air hole, and bolt holes aren't centered?


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I'm noticing that there tend to be two holes to bolt down the grate on forges like these. For this one, I would say the holes at 10 and 4 are for that. The two holes at the base of the spade may be for the blower. It may be off center to allow more room for the blower underneath the forge.

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