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I Forge Iron

Auction Anvil

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Just thought I'd post about my anvil quick. I bought an Anvil about 10 years ago cause the price was right and I knew I needed one at one point or another. I picked it up for $2 or $3 and knew it was a good deal ( at the same auction a friend of mine picked up a 4 ton bridgeport mill for $5. I think everyone was afraid to move big stuff at that auction(the bridge port ended up being mine after a year or two)). I did use it once in a while to straighten some items out. Now fast forward to this summer and my son really got interested in forging and I always had an interest too just never got around to it. So we pulled some odds and ends out to start making a smithy. I finally really got around to looking at my anvil it is a small one but not as small as I thought I always thought it was 30 to 35 lbs but just weighed it and its 47 lbs. I did find some markings and found out its a Peter Wright. Its not in the best shape but not horrible either. I will post some pics when I get around to it.
So all in all not a bad purchase for the price I payed.

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