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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by bamboolongbow

  1. 52100 is OUTSTANDING!

    My opinion is based on personal use rather than forging and knife making. The marples style blade that PJ Tomes made for me from 52100 is my daily user. The knife has great edge retention and the edge durability is fantastic.

  2. I use vermiculite. Today I went buy another bag and was told by the sales person that they pulled the vermiculite because it was found to be carcinogenic. Has anyone else heard this or was the sales person full of ----? What is the best alternative to vermiculite?

  3. Avadon, Nice pics of the forge. I just had a long talk with Stacy about purchasing Cayene. I am just waiting on Paypal ** **** ***** and the Cayenne will replace my Forgemaster.

  4. I am considering this type of truncated stand for my anvil as well. My concern is the dimensions of the stand relative to the base of my anvil. My O”Dwyer anvil is 209lbs and measures 10” x 9.5” at the base. How much do I add to create enough stability? And stock thickness? I looked at some A36 hot rolled plate in a

  5. Hello I FORGE IRON,
    My name is Blair. I am new to Blacksmithing. I apprenticed to a Farrier for a year. I have a O'Dwyer 209Lbs anvil on a stump. My forge is a Forgemaster Blacksmith model. I have been using my rounding hammers for all of my forging until today. For Father's day my wife and daughter gifted me a Swedish style Peddinghaus 1000gr hammer and some OffCenter tongs.

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