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I Forge Iron

Ironman smithworks

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Posts posted by Ironman smithworks

  1. yea just normal propane burners i am planning on setting up a 100pound propane tank along with it and valving the burners so i can run 1 2 or 3 at a time of my choice. i do alot of twisting on fire pokers and also heat more than one at a time cause i have a way of doing them quickly hence why i was gonna go wider i may go shorter with it tho vertically probably a 6 or 5 inch opening always open to suggestions want it to be efficient and i plan on doing Damascus blades and stuff  too down the road as well so that needs to be taken into consideration for heat wise 

  2. So im planning on building a forge. Tye dimensions imma be running are 24 in long with 22 in roughly inside work area 8x8 inside dimension, so 12 in overall hight and width  running 2 in insulation. Wondering what i should run for burner sizes, 1/2 or 3/4 inch, running 3 burners spaced even through the square box im makeing custon may go 10 inches wide too just a possibility due to the pokers i make can get wide at times if i run out of heat wile pounding. And also was thinking bout doing 3/8 or half inch plate for the outer shell of the forge itself would that be heavy enough with the insulation. thanks for listening to my jabber jaw 

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