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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by IronIce

  1.     i live in south USA.. i have made brake drum forge and that had worked good for coal fire with copy machine blower. im talking about real coal coke here, not wood or charcoal. i bought two 50 lbs bags of coke from a man but i have used almost one bag in brake drum forge i made, and im trying to find more coal or coke, but i read coke is best, and i also hear that coke will be hard to find and most smiths use propane, but propane dont get hot enough for me but i may have use propane anyhow if i run out of coke.

        i was wondering if i can use white fire bricks and place them on ground in shape of rectangle for the body of forge and place 1/2 inch pipe on end or side to supply air to the coke, question is, will white firebrick work for this or will the coal (coke) get too hot. i do have real white firebricks and im not using red bricks.

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