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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by JDTaylor

  1. ... and for Frosty,  the fuel / air mixture works by a careful measure.  I have the same high flow gas valve I used with the standard burners.  I keep a pressure  of about 6 psi.  I use a valve to mix the air, which is supplied by an old truck heater fan.  The thing is a little finiky and took a while to get the mixture just right to heat super hot and still supply a steady, even flame.  

       It may be later Sat or even Sun to get a pic of it working.  I just noticed that I have a bent tubing right at my connector.  It will have to be replaced before heat... safety first.


  2. You wanted to see a pic of my ribbon burner in action... unfortunately, I don't have a pic just yet.  I made a bunch of pics in the steps of making the burner, but none showing it at it's hottest.

    The ribbon burner uses measured air, uses waaaay less gas, and gets so much hotter than the regular burners.  I mean, white hot.  I'll get some pics this coming weekend.  I still work a regular job and I can't blacksmith except on the weekend.  

    I'll have pics soon.

  3. I sure wish I knew of this forum prior to my starting my forge.  I spent a lot on burner material and a lot of trial and error.... some  of it probably a little dangerous.  I made a three burner forge using plumbing pipe.  The 3 pipe  plan didn't get quite hot enough and it used way too much gas for  my budget.  I eventually came up with this home made ribbon burner.  It uses a fraction of the gas and gets white hot...  but the process getting there was long and pretty expensive.  Especially when the whole project could have been really cheap if I'd have not had to do the trial and error part. 



  4. Hey Folks,

    I was born in Alabama and moved to Battle Ground WA because of work.   I've been doing some beginning blacksmith stuff for a few years.  Mostly building a better forge, a powerhammer,  grinders,  press and such.  But now, I'm retiring and plan to do this a lot more.  I just discovered this forum, and this is my first post. 

     I  thought I could pick up some tips as well as share any new ideas I might have.  Also, I''d like to share some pics of my stuff as well as get some new ideas of stuff to make.  

    As I get more familiar with this forum, I hope to find a few pics of projects and ideas.  If there are newbies in my area, I'd be happy to share what I have learned so far... unfortunately blacksmithing is an art that you will never master.  I hope to continue to improve and learn this craft until I'm too old to swing a hammer.  


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