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I Forge Iron

Greg Thompson

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Posts posted by Greg Thompson

  1. First time sick was 12 years ago. I was rolling hay (no cab)and got too hot. Got off the tractor and threw up. Spent a couple hours cooling down with water to drink.
    Second time I was in Illinois (cattle meeting) outdoors sunny, hot, no shade. I sat down with a plate lunch and began to feel bad. I told my wife and had to put my head down on the table (Humbling experience). Sipped some water and cooled down. Later I realized I was wearing the thick Wrangler Jeans. I now wear the thin ones in the summer and the thick in the winter only. Much better for me.
    Third time 6 years ago I was in Honduras putting a roof on a Church. Up on the roof i got hot and sick. One of the students with me asked what was wrong. I felt so bad that i couldn't climb down the ladder. He ran across the road and got me a hot bottle of brown water. Got some water in me and made it to some shade.
    Two summers ago I started to use some Power Aid along with water when I bale hay, Outdoor construction, forging etc.
    I am impressed with the Power Aid, It helps me get the job done and feel good doing it. Thinner pants for me too!

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