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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Jms

  1. Hmm I see your point with the cars, I guess I'd have to go with which one is cheaper to repair, when it brakes down. :D

    As of now I'm just taking it slow. My arms get tired before blisters show up, so I'm hoping in the future as I work those muscles, I'll switch over to wood, if I start developing more issues. 

  2. I'm located around the Eau Claire area, so not far north Wisconsin, but still far enough to enjoy some North woods.

    I am curious about the wood handle hammers versus the fiberglass/composite. The research I did before purchasing as many posts that are for wood have just as many posts for fiberglass.  The only things I saw that was for certain is the wood ones are better for being able to dress the handles to your liking and the wood ones smell better when something hot touches the wood.  Me personally, it was cheaper to get the fiberglass handles versus wood, but I am interested in hearing from others with more experience.  Also please don't take me asking questions as an attack or not valuing opinions, I've just learned in my 43 years on this Earth, I want to know why a lot.

  3. Just starting out hammering metal in the garage(few months). I've always been drawn to forging, so figured I wasn't getting any younger. I'm hopefully adding pictures correctly and plan on sitting down reading a bunch on here. I've also invested in Mark Aspery books and any book I can find. Hells forge double burner setup and anvil stand.



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