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I Forge Iron

alireza jalili

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Posts posted by alireza jalili

  1. 8 minutes ago, George N. M. said:

    Just about anything is feasible if you have a large enough machine and enough budget.  If you need thousands of them then a large investment in manufacturing them is justified.  If you need 3 then hand making them, probably by machining them on a lathe is more feasible.  You will also have to decide what material it needs to be made from depending on the strength you need and in what environment it will be.

    BTW, welcome aboard from 7500' (about 2300 meters) in SE Wyoming.  Glad to have you.  If you put your location in your profile it will remind us where you are.  We will probably forget what you said once in a post.

    "By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

    These parts are available in 8 different sizes and the smallest one has an external diameter of 48 mm and weighs about 200 grams. We want to produce about 50,000 of each.

    4 minutes ago, Irondragon ForgeClay Works said:

    See my post above.:)


  2. 12 minutes ago, George N. M. said:

    Either die forged or machined on a lathe would be my guess.  However, the surface in the photo does not indicate any machining marks.  Also, there is the possibility of it being cast in a mold.  The pitting on the surface looks to me like it has either been sand cast or has suffered weathering.  Die forged or machined, with no weathering, would have a smoother surface.

    So, "Ya pays your money and ya takes your choice."

    İ know this is forged part not machining. But my question for methods of forging the rear step and cone. İs it possible to produce this part in one step forging?

  3. 26 minutes ago, Irondragon ForgeClay Works said:

    Welcome from the Ozark mountains. It might help to know where in the world you are located. Also the size of the part may help. I would think different countries/regions would use different techniques for forging. I would venture a guess as to closed die forging.

    İ am from Iran and the largest diameter of this part is 48mm

  4. This component serves as a plate in space structures and is crafted through a single forging process. It is constructed from ST37 steel. My inquiry concerns the method for creating the cone and the rear step, as depicted in the accompanying image.


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