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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Billyt

  1. hey guys new here to the forum my question is does the position between smaller gear box and the larger lower fan box matter mine want turn have taken apart cleaned everything good in other words mine sits like a ( L ) shape not angled down like some pictures I’ve seen it was position like that when I got it the legs fit right under the bottom of small gearbox housing. There is backlash between gears but I don’t see that as stopping it from turning it had a deformed Handle shaft I ground it down flat so set screw would set  against shaft better but it just want turn I don’t know. I see a hole in the triangle section  that holds down larger gear but not threaded so it is suppose to have set screw there I am a loss here will try and get some pictures tomorrow to send anyway got a duck nest  with it want to get it going I’m down here in Georgia and wanted to reach out. Any help or feedback would be fantastic .almost forgot mine has no washers .or snap rings on top or at the bottom of gear shafts? Are there suppose to be?


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