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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by davidhake

  1. I'm trying to dial in the Chile Forge I picked up cheap and rebuilt. Not having much experience with this nice of a forge and less than a year of working with a Mr. Volcano one burner as my only gas forge, I could use some advice!

    I've attached a video with one burner just after lighting it so it's easier to see. 5 psi with a .040 mig tip that Chile Forge recommended for my altitude of 5100 ft. (Fort Collins, CO)questions:


    1. For general forging, what color should the flame be? Teal, Blue or light blue?

    2. What color for forge welding if I attempt it? Teal, blue or light blue?

    I've been told by other Chile Forge owners in my area that 5-6psi for general and 10-15psi for forge welding.



  2. I was lucky enough to aquire 2 used Chile Forges the Cayenne model. One with burners that needs a lot of work and one gutted frame only.

    Has anyone had any luck relining them and reworking the burners and frames?

    I'm in contact with the Starrs at Chile Forge and waiting for their response, and I'm sure they will give me all the information and parts I need. But thought I would ask this group if anyone was successful we a rebuild.

    Looks like I'll have to hack away at the burner nozzles to get them out.

    I was thinking of trying out Superwool XTRA that is new and a lot safer to handle. Still plan to take precautions.

    I'm fairly new to blacksmithing but already have assembled a Mr volcano and built 2 coal forges... But I have a lot to learn...







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