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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by SineTimore

  1. I have seen the Mr. Volcano forges. I just thought with the price it had to be a gimmick. I'm glad to hear they have good reviews. I'll look them up again and see if I can find some videos on them. Thanks for your replies.

  2. Hello everyone, I'm new here but I have forged in the past. I had a brake drum coal forge and previously have forged some wrought iron decorations , simple railroad spike and 1095 billet knives and I was learning to drift axe eyes. Long story and not to jerk any heartstrings too much our daughter passed away and it's been 10 years since I've touched a forge. I want to pick it up again but with a gas forge. I'm not sure what route to go with a gas forge though. I see a lot of 1, 2, and 3 burner models within my price range. I primarily want to make knives and tomahawks. I really want to make a Bowie knife. I'm not sure if a single burner is enough for that though. I've been considering the deluxe 2 burner from majestic but there are single burner models out there for about half the price. It's probably going to be a long long time before I move past knives and tomahawks so I don't want to go overkill right out of the gate. I already have an 88 pound anvil from when I forged before. What is your advice?

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