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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Generator

  1. Hi all, thanks for the replies.

    The steel I came through is similar to this:


    Some kind of structure beams I think.

    I'm from the middle east, every small piece of steel is very expensive here. Not to mention can be hard to aquire.

    At the moment I simply work with what I can get. Made some blades from old files and rusty old saws. But that's it, didn't even had to use a forge as the steel was already hardened.

  2. Hi all,

    Came across some of these pieces. 

    Anyone knows what they are and if they are worth using? I'm trying to setup basic shop and thought of using a cut off as an anvil substitute partly buried in the ground, and maybe also as source steel for some of my first blades as I don't want to ruin good steel.

    link removed


    Follow up question - I can get some free pieces of rebar (building for concrete reinforcement) is that usable at all? I see different opinions online.


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