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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by GT_84

  1. Hello All,

    I have some Ferric Chloride laying around from my previous work with PCB etching. So yesterday i came to know that Knifes can be etched too. I watched couple of video on YouTube and saw the patters on the knife and tried it on my stainless steel knife that i bought from a grocery store. Not taking care of the ratios of water to etching solution, i dipped it for a minute and the whole knife turned black. I pre-treated it by cleaning with soap water and then with isopropyl alcohol. Should i had to heat treat it or maybe sand it ? to get a pattern. The patter i was after is not anything fancy or done with stickers.

    Is there pattern that form naturally after heat treating ? Heating it to red hot and then quenching it into  cooking oil ?

    Would appreciate some help with the pattern and etching.

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