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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by oberon

  1. Hello Everyone,

    I am new to the site and wanted to introduce myself.  As you can see my username is Oberon, I live in Glen Carbon IL about 30 minutes from St. Louis.  I have been interested in forging for many years.  As with a lot of people my first interest was in swords but at the time that my first interest started I was deployed to Iraq and had just finished watching a bootleg copy of the Highlander series in my off duty hours.  So let's just say the timing wasn't right.  Since then years have passed and I still haven't started for one reason or another and now I am trying to accumulate as much knowledge to get started as possible.  I read the start here article and have a lot of digging to do on the site.  I cant wait to get in and read some of the other articles. 

    I have several books already but I was curious if anyone had any recommendations for reading on starting a forge, blacksmithing, bladesmithing, or just books that have diagrams or pictures of items such as knives or tools that I could start with.  

    Another dilemma that I am running into is a forge space to start with.  I live in a neighborhood with a .21 acre lot.  So not very large.  I have a 3 car garage with one side completely unused.  My concern is for safety purposes, is this the right place to build a forge?  On top of that would be the sound concern, disturbing the neighbors. I suppose if I can't do it here I will continue looking for a place to rent or pay to use.  But I wanted to get other's thoughts on the space and whether it would be something I could do.  I haven't bought the forge yet or an anvil but am capable of doing so once I know I can safely do this in my garage.  

    Again, I am really looking forward. to getting in here and digging around to read articles.  I am excited to meet people who are new and experienced with forging and make some friends in the process.  Thanks everyone.

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