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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Silverbull

  1. Hi Frosty, so are you saying that I didn't need to add the perforated stainless baffle to the inside of my plenum? 

    Yes, it is forced air. I haven't got around to hook the blower up yet. I'm waiting on a propane needle valve. I hope it works fine, if not, I'll cut it open.


  2. I'm a welder by trade, the shell is only tacked and easy for me to get back inside it someday plus the burner isn't even welded to it. I'm using a T-fitting for my mixer and once I have it together, I'll attach a picture. My air/fuel supply will be made of 2" sanitary Stainless tubing, stuff left over from a job. Here's a couple pictures so far, I'll still in the process of covering the exposed insulation 




  3. Frosty, I didn't mean wrapping the plenum on top of the forge body. I meant if I needed to have a gap between the burner the forge body, then having to insulate in the gap. In the picture, I already fixed the burner in, not gap.

    Thanks again 

  4. Thank you Frosty for your time. The burner block is 2.5 inches thick by 9 and 4.5. The brick lining was given to me and I jumped ahead and built it this far before discovering that those were a bad idea, it's for forging unfortunately, not heat treating.  I will use the itc100 I ordered on a different build then and look for the plistix 900.

  5. Hi everyone, quick question here about the plenum. Is it absolutely necessary to have a gap around it packed with insulation? I'm building a ribbon burner and would rather not if I don't have to. There will be 2 inches of wool insulation between the shell and bricks plus itc100 on the bricks.




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