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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by backyardsmith

  1. i have some crusher bar from a sample crusher from a coal mine and i was told by the guy who gave me them said he was told they was Vascowear and if they are they make a good blade but there a bear to forge anything below a orange heat and it wont move

  2. i use to just walk the track and i could find at least 5 every 10 foot but awhile back the tracks was replaced and now all of the stuff they replaced is in one big pile rusting and i dont think there gonna move it any time soon so i stop by there and get a couple spikes and clips every now and again(cant just let all of that steel rust)

  3. heres a few blades ive made in the past weeks

    first up is a rail road spike knife handle is walnut

    second is fishclip handle is walnut too

    3rd heres one of it that i blackend the blade

    and last is made form railroad clip handle is oak





  4. i use coal in my forge and all is left is ash and clinkers ( they look nothing like coal) im thinking its your air sorce because like in the above posts the lively style forge isnt ment for coal so it might help if you change it to a bottem blast or side blast and is your coal hard and shiney when you brake it (anthracite)? or soft and black( bittomous) cant spell :(

    and i dont get why people say anthracite is hard to keep lit becasue i use it and

    ive turned the blower off and it stayed red for at least 20 mins before i turned the blower on

  5. i figured that its about time i posted some of my work bare with me its my first time posting pics on a fourm like this

    first one is band saw blade and fence post it was my first billet that held togather DSC01539.jpg

    the second one is made of bed rail and mild not much pattren in it tho

  6. backyardsmith,
    if that was a rhetorical question, i apologize in advance for answering it (sarcasm is harder to detect without the accompanying facial expressions :)) but as close as i can narrow it down it boils down to two things

    1). From the founding of America up until the early 20th century almost all small towns and villages had a blacksmith. The blacksmith was responsible for farrier duties (sometimes even being a horse doctor), making all needed household and farm items, and even sometimes basic carpentry skills (repairing wagons, etc.)
    This image of the blacksmith as a "jack of all trades" carries over, even though there are now dedicated farriers who do not go near ornamental metal work (even though I consider that horseshoe above to be quite the work of art) and blacksmiths that wouldn't touch a horse with a ten foot pole (me).


    2). think about every movie that you have ever seen with a blacksmith in it. What is that blacksmith doing? He is either making horseshoes, shoeing horses, or making a sword/armor. Hence the idea that all blacksmiths are farriers and bladesmiths/armorers. Thank you Hollywood.

    Just my take on the matter,
    -Aaron @ the SCF
    Merry Christmas and a happy and safe (even if it is crazy) New Year to all

    sorry for the confuzon ( im not good at typeing and pepole misunderstand me a lot) and i was saying that its a nice horse shoe but in genral pepole think that all blacksmiths do is shoe horses a few people have seen me forging a knife and asked me if i shoed horses so held up the half finised blade and said
    do you know a horse with a foot thats shaped like a tanto:p
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